The Masseur - Dante

Black Male


Emotionally Intelligent



Great Personality

Engaging Conversation

Excellent Company

Fantastic Hands

Empathetic and Understanding

Loving and Caring Nature


Very Clean (Physically)

Easy Going


Worldly Experience

A Note.

It gives me immense pleasure to have the privilege, knowledge, opportunity and skills to do this work. Unicorn Massage has allowed me to touch many lives in a positive manner, helping many women to find themselves again - learn to love themselves again, and to go about the rest of their journey knowing they are loved and never truly alone. Every session is an opportunity to share love and engage warmly in human contact, which something we all need and something that will permeate every visit you make, whether it's one time or one-hundred times. Your reception and treatment will always be the same.

Thank you for taking the time to check out the site and to read these words.

Looking forward to seeing you soon!
